Welcome to Advamation!
We're a small German company, which has the goal to develop, produce and sell solid and simple to use automation technology. Some of our products can be (soon) bought in our webshop.
Our first webshop-product is the AdvaBoard RPi1, a universal extension-board (incl. an optional TFT-display) for the Raspberry Pi.
In addition, we can offer everything from one source for customer-specific projects—including consulting, analysis, design, development, production and startup.
For this, we can rely on our experience from over 20 years of different customer-specific automatization projects, and our Automatization-Kit, which can be used to easily solve many automatization problems.
Note that since we're a German company, most of our information is in German, and only a some webpages are currently available in English. But please don't hesitate to contact us if you need some information which you cannot find on our English webpages.